Thursday, April 10, 2008

The daily grind!

So i said earlier that i gots me a new J-O-B. This new job has been taking a lot of time out of my day, but the good news is its fun. I started working at R/T Tuning in Lansdale PA. Its quite a haul (about hour and 20 minutes each way) but the shop is busy and HUGE! I have never worked at a shop this busy. Thats why i have no time to rap on the interweb. But R/T got all the sweet shit to build rad cars.
Dyno .....Check!
This is where i can find out my corolla is still slow as shit
Sweet alignment rack..

This is where i can find out that giant pothole on the highway knocked my alignment around like a battered wife.

This is the office where you can find me. Slaving away answering ?'s about what head makes most pony's when paired with a B20 Block.... i still dont know..

The best part of hanging around here all day is working with Pat Dulcey and his car.
Pat is awesome and does most of the hard/dirty work around here.(thank god)
You may know Pat from such shows as "I have the sweetest FC ever Built"

Oh yeah Pat Owns this gem of an FC..
Fucking deal with THAT!
Attention magazine dudes... get to this car before someone else does..... for real!
call pat at the shop... 215-855-5565 (or me if you are bored)

But back to my drive.. I drive forever to get here.. In passing here is some of the shots i see on my way to work.. I have been really into scenery pictures as of late. Bucks County is a treasure trove of old shit... houses,roads,broads, you name it .. Bucks county PA is old as dirt and its real rural still.. that means i see cool stuff you don't see every day if you live in the suburbs or the city.

These houses look to be American Revolution era..
Thats a horse... those hangout along the side of the road all over the place.

This is the Pineville Tavern.. which is on Durham RD in Pineville PA. Its in the middle of no where..According to Susans dad has really good Stew and a great variety of beers on tap.
So thats that... cant wait for motorcycle weather to explore PA a little more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

low slow and greasy?! 8D