Thursday, February 28, 2008

Brothers From Different Mothers

Well its Official I have new brothers. Drift Alliance has settled on the new Aces for the calender year 2008. As many of you know myself and 4 others were brought onto the teamlast season and this year we added 5 fresh faces to this team of fury and hellfire. Here is a run down , a meet and greet if you will along with what i know about these guys.

Joon Mang
Joon is hot to trot for 08 after an entire season of FD coming from his own pocket. I had the pleasure of meeting this fine fine gentleman after Irwindale Finals last season. His driving skill is only equal to how cute he is. Look out for this man on the track.

Aaron Suarez
Local So-Cal ripper and owner of one of the finest looking hatches in all of this country (if not the world). The internet famous Dousan is all about looking good this season. He has a new car done and from what i have seen is not lacking the skills to back up his cars sweet looks. One day we will meet face to face and high five the night away.

Justin Pawlek
Another guy i haven't met is Justin. Apparently his sweet FC doesnt just look good but he also backs it up with insane driving skills. This fact proven even further by him showing up to Nopi LA and raining a storm of ass whoopings all over the competition... Then he went home and prolly had a steak and some sex. I am not sure on Justins plans for this year but im sure its going to include winning some shit and looking great doing it.

Ameen Rivizi
Ameen has been a long time bro to DA. He met Tony and Chris during the first trans continental journey to Irwindale for D1 like 5 million years ago. He flagged down the truck they were driving somewhere in AZ and introduced himself to the boys. Ever since he has shown sweet driving and an attitude worthy of being an Ace.

Brian Wilkerson
Brian is the only East Coaster to be put on the team this season and the only guy i know really well. He drives at Clubloose. He sleeps on my couch and always folds the blankets after doing so. He also does not wear socks when sleeping. He is a Baltimore native and Owner of MA-Motorsports over there in Baltimore DUNNY! He had an AMAZING season last year in his car nicknamed "the zombie" and had me rooting for him every time. He is putting something together for this season and im sure it will outshine last years stunning performance. TROPHY QUEST 08 BEGIN! He is also hairy.

So thats it. New faces to further confuse you. Now go buy some shirts and support this bad ass team. the da shop

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