Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tattoo Party Weekend...things are heating up!

So this Friday my buddy Dave Shoemaker is coming to Ewing for tattoo party 2008. He should arrive Friday night to tattoo out of the spare bedroom.Dave was here in the fall and did some amazing work but we ran out of time to get everyone some new work..

I kinda took over responsibilities for booking Dave's appointments to make myself feel like i am contributing in some way. I also hope it helps him focus on drawing up some awesome tattoos for all the people coming over this weekend. Its kinda hard to relay what people want and where back and forth and then send the people the proofs through whatever way he can. I think it will all turn out awesome in the end.. Dave is really good.

You may know dave from drifting as he was the head mechanic for Drift Alliance's "TEAM SNAKEBITE" for 2007. He also drives a totally sweet FC.

Dave is taking a break from his tattooing work at Spyglass Tattoo in Manchester NH to come down and dish out some sweet tatts. I cant wait for him to get here. If you live in the NH area and need awesome work done.. call dave at the shop..
Spyglass Tattoo
(603) 622-9500

Here are some pics from the last party. I will definitely have the new ones up by the new week.

1 comment:

Tim Johnsrud said...

Tattoo party is going to be awesome. It needs to be the weekend like right now.