Monday, March 10, 2008

Wrecked Issue 3 out on cyber newstands everywhere.!

If you haven't heard about Wrecked magazine and you are into drifting you live under a rock.. or an elephant.. or whatever, something heavy that would keep you from hearing about this diamond in the rough. In a sea of online content this Drifting magazine shines like a beacon of hope. Guiding you safely into the port of good content. Its articles are witty, informative and presented in a style similar to skateboarding mags of old. The photo's are choice and the little video's they give you in the pages leaves you hungry for more. My favorite part of Wrecked is not what it has but what it doesn't. It lacks the boring tech shit that most print and online mags ram down your throat. Seriously, how many times can we look at a coil over install on some rusty project 240. We fucking get it already(other mags take note). So if you want a fresh look at the future of drifting without all the bullshit to waste your time. Check out Wrecked. It gets a Matt Petty seal of approval for excellence and awesomeness in the world of drifting media award.
Good work on issue 3 guys!
Wrecked Magazine!

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